Sunday, July 17, 2005

Hanabi in my town !

In France " hanabi " ( " feu d'artifice " in french ) takes place the 14th of july, here are some pictures of it in my town :

Like a palm tree in the sky !

Like stars in the sky...

Red fire in the sky !

One of my favorite, it goes everywhere in gold and blue :)

Monday, July 11, 2005

cameron !

Wonderful deep blue sky over Manitoba in Canada, tornado is coming ! Photo sent by Cameron my new canadian friend living in a rural japanese country called "fukui".

We can see here tornado in full shape !

Big cloud like smoke over the road... Nice light efffect !

Cameron and his wife ! Aren't they kawaii ne ? :o)

The name of my ryokan in " Kanji " ( take = bamboo on top and yama = mountain ) sent by
Cameron... Thank you old friend ! lol!

Tanabata Matsuri, Hozuki and Maiko san !

Every 7th of july takes place the " star festival " in Japan : Tanabata Matsuri (七夕 祭り).
Japanese hang nice colored cards with wishes in trees ( mostly bamboo )...

Children in happi coats dancing in the streets...

Lovely lanterns hung everywhere...

Beautiful japanese maiko girls ( anzu and fujiko ) admire 'hozuki' ( chinese lantern plants ) in Tokyo's sensoji temple, 08 july 2005. These plants are considered part of early summer's poetic scenery in Japan...